What are Patterns of Interaction?
Patterns of interaction, or interaction patterns, as the name says, are the different possibilities in which students can interact with...
Andreia Zakime
29 de jan. de 2019

What is CPD?
2018 is coming to an end and we are all starting to make plans for the upcoming year. Apart from our personal resolutions, we all wonder...
Andreia Zakime
28 de dez. de 2018

What is Dogme ELT?
Designing activities, choosing a coursebook, creating handouts. Every teacher has faced difficulties when it comes to the selection of...
Andreia Zakime
9 de out. de 2018

What is fluency? Tips to help students speak more fluently.
Fluency is to some the holy grail of learning a language. However, it can be an elusive concept and different people see fluency in...
Rubens Heredia
28 de set. de 2018

What is the Communicative Approach?
The Communicative Approach – or Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) – is a teaching approach that highlights the importance of real...
Andreia Zakime
23 de ago. de 2018

What is an Ice-breaker?
An ice-breaker, or a warmer, is a (quick) activity which is used at the beginning of a course or a lesson to help the students and...
Andreia Zakime
7 de ago. de 2018

What is the Phonemic Chart?
The phonemic chart is a tool commonly used to help learners understand and produce the sounds in English pronunciation. It is comprised...
Andreia Zakime
29 de jul. de 2018

What is Group Cohesiveness?
Group cohesiveness is considered by some an essential component in the classroom for learning to take place. In this post, we’ll provide...
Andreia Zakime
23 de jul. de 2018

What is Product Writing?
Product Writing is an approach to teaching writing that focuses on students' final production, that is, the text they are asked to...
Andreia Zakime
11 de jun. de 2018

What is Process Writing?
Process Writing is an approach to teaching writing that allows the teacher and the students to go through the process of producing a text...
Andreia Zakime
4 de jun. de 2018